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Computing |
In a world where technology advances never stop, staying connected and providing an opportunity for both staff and pupils to enhance their computing skills in an e-safe manner, is key.
In both KS1 and KS2 we aim to equip pupils with the ability to understand, implement and debug algorithms. As our children progress up the school we aim for them to accomplish more specific goals by applying logical reasoning and more acute debugging.
We intend for all children to access the computing curriculum in an engaging way and develop their file management, internet search awareness and be digitally literate in a range of programs.
We follow the National Curriculum programme of study for Computing; Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.
Purple Mash is a well-constructed scheme which gives teachers and pupils support with structured lessons including video and written instructions. It fosters both computational thinking and the ability to continue learning outside of the classroom.
E-safety Pupil AUPs (Acceptable Use Policies) are signed at the start of each academic year and reinforced with regular e-safety messages throughout the school year and specifically during e-Safety week in February.
Across the school, use of Microsoft Teams facilitates an e-safe learning approach outside of the classroom for those remote learning. With access to a variety of software, this also lends itself to cross-curricular learning opportunities and digital literacy.
Our children will be:
- Confident and competent users of technology
- Critical thinkers that can solve problems
- Responsible, respectful and safe users of data, information and communication technology
- Creative and imaginative using technology to present, record and share their work to a wider audience
- Aware of technological uses and developments in the wider world.
Computing at Blair Peach Primary School
Children at Blair Peach Primary School have access to a wide range of computing equipment. There are two Computing Suites with pupil iPads available in KS1 and KS2. The Computing Curriculum is taught around a tight focus on e-Safety. All Year groups commence their learning with this and it is reinforced with additional time during e-Safety week in February. Pupil surveys, parent surveys and parent workshops give a unified, layered approach, to a modern concern facing all families.
Blair Peach teaching of the new Computing Curriculum, tackles Computer Science using Coding, Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking. Our children are taught how to access information, evaluate its suitability, store it, share it with others and tailor it to meet their own needs.
Blair Peach aims to ensure that pupils become equipped to use information technology to create programs. They will become digitally literate and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology – working towards a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
Purple Mash
‘Embedding computing and digital skills across the whole curriculum with award-winning teaching and learning software for KS1 and KS2.’