Related Links
This Ealing Families Directory has very useful resources for parents/carers. Look out for the Story Time Playlist these are fun stories to watch and interact with and include favourites such as 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea.' There are also really helpful Autism specific SEND resources. The Menu includes online weekly timetables that build in exercising, learning, cooking and much more.
The Speech and Language therapists have launched a Facebook page. Parents should search 'Ealing Children's Speech and Language therapy' and look for the purple logo. There are lots of ideas for supporting communication at home and it is updated daily.
Please contact Mr. Hale SENCO directly for advice about, and copies of, the following resources:
- Word Wizard (vocabulary development)
- Resources for working on adjectives, sequencing and narrative skills at home.
- Advice for supporting the development of conjunctions at home.
- Lego Therapy Home activity pack (Socialisation/ Communication)
- Reading comprehension pack for parents.
- Advice for supporting your child at home with routines.
- Calm Book (Emotional health/Autism)
- Social thinking handouts (Autism)
- Conversational skills activities (Communication/Social)
- Story around the theme of Coronavirus.
For those parents whose child has a medical need please be aware of the information and support available to you which is provided in the document below.