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Long-Term Curriculum Map for Year 3 (Maths)
We hope you find this document useful - it shows the 'Big Picture' of how our learning is organised across the year. Our plan ensures coverage of the national curriculum and is carefully designed to ensure progression of skills.
Number Facts
Year 3 is a critical year for mastering key number facts - including the fluent recall of selected 'times tables' facts. If your child is meeting age-related expectations, then they will already be able to fluently recall all facts from the 2, 5 and 10 times tables; in Year 3, their goal is to master facts from the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. The three links below will take you to websites that are useful for both 'learning' new facts and 'practising' recall of previously learnt facts:
Parent Guides (White Rose)
These guides have been written by an organisation called White Rose Maths and will help parents with some practical maths activities to support their child's learning. Printable resources are included and, as always, please ask if you'd like any help getting started with a resource.
PARENTS: BPPS Calculation Guidance (Part 1)
This part of our calculation guidance sets out, in detail, our key principles that we use to support children's learning when they are calculating in maths.