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Blair Peach

Primary School

A nurturing environment where we all learn and aspire together to be the best we can

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“A nurturing environment where we all learn and aspire together to be the best we can”


Blair Peach Primary School:  Curriculum Intent


The curriculum at Blair Peach Primary School aims to raise aspirations and prepare children for the next stage of education. We want children to know more, remember more and do more and achieve high academic and personal success. We want them to make connections and become confident and proficient learners who are able to confidently converse at the highest levels. 


The design of our wider curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage as well as research findings so that by the time children leave our school they will have mastered a range of both procedural knowledge (skills) and factual knowledge through planned opportunities to deliberately practice and careful planning of progression and depth.


Our curriculum is customised to meet the local needs of our learners. Our curriculum is built around the journey we take from our local community of Southall to the wider community of London and then on to links in the wider community of our world. Wherever possible we start with the familiar and then slowly build outwards revisiting key learning. This enables our children to deepen and master their knowledge and skills in multiple subjects and make meaningful links across the curriculum where appropriate.


To engage learners, specific enquires of learning have been chosen on the basis that they are relevant, interesting and helpful to our children in their locality and the wider world. This is reinforced through the embedding of the UNCRC articles and Sustainable Development Goals across all curriculum.  


 Our curriculum goals – what we want for our children:


  • To confidently speak from an extensive base of disciplinary knowledge and use an expansive and relevant vocabulary
  • To be fluent readers, speakers and active listeners who can challenge/offer views in a respectful manner, being responsible members of the community
  • To master deep knowledge and skills within each subject and apply them across the curriculum 
  • To become resilient, curious learners, with a growth mindset who are motivated, independent and have a passion for learning


Curriculum Implementation


Our curriculum has been mapped out for each year group. Subject specific content ensures there is clear progression, consolidation and deepening of knowledge. It will be implemented through expert teacher knowledge, appropriate cross curricular links to help children see that learning is connected and purposeful.


To support long term/ deep learning we will implement the following


  • Learning is spaced and topics interleaved to ensure content is revisited to strengthen memory.
  • A cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth 
  • Knowledge webs which outline knowledge (including vocabulary) all children must master 
  • Challenge questions for pupils to apply their learning in a philosophical/open manner 
  • Trips, and visiting experts who will enhance learning experiences  
  • A curriculum newsletter for parents and carers so learners can be supported at home.  


Curriculum Impact


At Blair Peach we recognise that learning is a change to long term memory and it is impossible to see impact in the short term. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:


  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes 
  • A celebration of learning for each term which demonstrates progression across the school; 
  • Pupil responses in relation to the philosophical/open question provided 
  • Pupil discussions about their learning 
  • A sample of pupils’ learning across the school demonstrating mastery and greater depth of understanding 
  • The annual tracking of standards across the curriculum