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Y6 DAILY Reading
Bug Club: Daily Reading
Bug Club accounts have now been reassigned and are ready for use in Year 6.
It is extremely important that you make use of this invaluable resource as part of your daily after-school reading. Your teacher will monitor your account closely and make further changes to your books if your are finding them too hard or too easy - please feel free to speak to your teacher as well, though, if you have any concerns about the levels of difficulty
Reading List: 100 Best Books for Years 5 and 6
Taking the time to read for pleasure each and every day should be an essential part of every child's daily routine. If you're stuck for book choices, this diverse selection will set you off in the right direction!
One of our favourite websites for finding out about the best and latest books is (link below). As well as a KIDS' ZONE and lots of great information, it also includes FREE EXTRACTS for many of the recommended books - these are often the first chapter of each book. Another great site to inspire your daily reading!
[Please note that you will need to create your own FREE account to access any extracts - ASK YOUR PARENT about doing this before going ahead]