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Blair Peach

Primary School

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Calculation Guidance

This page contain three of the key documents which teaching staff refer to support the teaching of calculations in school. These offer advice on general guidance as well as detailed examples of specific strategies.


1. Blair Peach Primary: Calculation Guidlelines (Part One)


This part (Part One) of our own calculation guidelines is, we feel, the most important part. It sets out key principles behind many of our calculations and gives a good insight into how we approach learning in maths at our school.

2. National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Maths (NCETM): Guidance Document


Although this document was primarily written for teachers, interested parents will benefit greatly from the sound advice contained within this 'general guidance' document:

3. White Rose 'Calculation Policy'


Much of our planning in KS2 is centred around the use of resources created by White Rose. This calculation policy again includes pictures to help support understanding of the strategies covered. Further advice about what is meant by the language 'Concrete - Pictorial - Abstract' can be found by scrolling further down this page.

Note: Further content to be added to this page
