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Blair Peach

Primary School

A nurturing environment where we all learn and aspire together to be the best we can

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Introducing our Year 6 Prefects:


6 Moon:  Safia M, Salma F, Shreeya R, Aathuja J, Agaman M, Ali N, Amna B, Eqbal H, and Ethan V


6 Stars:  Reese F, Serena G, Sumaya Z, Trisha V, Amber G, Dhairya P, Vithusa A, Amber G, Eshan K, Khyber A, Masey L, Muskaan R and Nithin S

House Captains


Khan -  Serena G and Sumaya Z

Sangha -  Khyber A and Safia M

Thunberg - Amber G and Dhairya P

Yousafzai - Ali N and Amna B
