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Most of us read without even thinking about it. It’s a skill we take for granted, yet one that is essential for being able to get on in life. As your child grows up, being able to read well not only enables them to discover new facts and to learn at school, but also opens them up to a world of new ideas, stories and opportunities.
Please make sure you are both listening to your child read and reading to them yourself. Here are some tips:
Don't forget to make use of all of the reading resources that you have on offer, both in the form of physical books and e-books!
Children can read the books set for them from their teacher for their correct reading ability through Bug Club. Our school code is 'kamg' and the children can log in with their username and passwords:
ActiveLearn: Login (
Children can also have access to reading books through Oxford Owl eBooks:
Oxford Owl for School and Home
username: year4blairpeach password: Peach21
Don't forget about your local library too! Southall Library can be found in the Dominian Centre, open Monday-Saturday, 11am-4pm and Sunday 1pm-4pm:
Southall Library: Dominion Centre and Library | Southall Library | Ealing Council
You can also borrow books from your local library online for free through the Libby App: The Libby App by OverDrive: Free ebooks & audiobooks from the library