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Blair Peach

Primary School

A nurturing environment where we all learn and aspire together to be the best we can

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Road Safety

Safety Issues – Parking


Traffic/parking outside the school gates is becoming an increasing problem.  Please, please can we make a plea to all parents to come early and park your cars away from the school entrance area.  We have over 400 pupils on roll in school and this causes a lot of congestion at the beginning and end of the school day.  Please be considerate and keep our children safe.


The council will be taking enforcement action against anyone parking on zig-zag road markings outside schools. Local police safer neighbourhood teams will also visit the schools to move on vehicles blocking the area.


Yellow zig-zag road markings outside schools are there to provide a clear space for children to cross where they can see traffic and traffic can see them, but some motorists put children in danger by parking on them.


We have also had many complaints from our resident neighbours about parking outside their driveways.  Please may we remind you all not to block driveways when dropping and collecting your children from school.


Thank you for your support in this matter.  Please help us keep your children safe by following our requests.


Safety Issues – Children


  • Parents are reminded to not leave their children unsupervised on school site before 8.30am
  • We would like to remind parents/carers that children are not permitted to use the playground equipment at the beginning/end of the school day
  • For safeguarding reasons parents are reminded not to walk through the school building at the end of the day when children are being collected.  If you need to speak to a member of staff or check lost property, please report to the main office first via the main entrance.
  • We often receive complaints from our neighbours that some parents park their car in front of their driveways, blocking them in.  Please do not part in front of driveways when bringing your children to school or picking them up